Grade 9 TV LIVE

Join our weekly live classes and get inspired by the energy of these outstanding live masterclasses!

Live calls every Saturday morning 9am UK time. Additional classes during exam season!

Check out our live class schedule below!

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To attend our live classes, you must be a member.

Members get access to our self-study library of courses, our entire eBook shop, weekly live classes (every Sat at 9am UK time & additional classes during exam season), access to all previous masterclass recordings AND a private community portal to ask Maya questions directly and meet other grade 9 students! The ultimate membership for the aspiring grade 9 student!

LIVE Sat 11th May 9am UK time

AQA Lit Paper 1 Prep

In this live class, Maya will be going through AQA Lit paper 1 looking at how to approach the paper, the mark scheme, timings, approach and top tips to ensure success in your upcoming exam!

60 mins, delivered by Maya

LIVE Sat 18th May 9am UK time

AQA Lit Paper 2 Prep

In this live class, Maya will be going through AQA Lit paper 2 looking at how to approach the paper, the mark scheme, timings, approach and top tips to ensure success in your upcoming exam!

60 mins, delivered by Maya

LIVE Sun 19th May 10am UK time

AQA Lang Paper 1 Prep

In this live class, Maya will be going through AQA Lang paper 1 looking at how to approach the paper, how to answer each question, top tips, timings and a detailed breakdown of the markscheme!

60 mins, delivered by Maya

Meet your grade 9 tutor! 👋

Fully qualified teacher, examiner and grade 9 expert, Maya is here to make your GCSE dreams a reality! Not only do I get to help you reach top grades but I also get to teach, share and talk about books that I am incredibly passionate about and perhaps even inspire you to love English almost as much as I do!
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Shoot for the moon and even if you miss, you land among the stars!

It’s no secret that eLearning
is taking the world of education by storm.

Our school with your words

#is unexpected | #is awesome | #has quality features | #saved my life | #is the best

At this point, I am 20 hours+ deep into this. I honestly cannot tell you how transformational this has been. There are so many videos, resources, eBooks. Every time I open the website I learn something new! I have NEVER enjoyed learning this much! I am truly grateful! Thank you so much!

All I can say is...thank YOU! You completely changed my view of English Lit and I NEVER thought I would enjoy it as much as I do now! I honestly LOVE learning on the Grade 9 Academy and it is honestly fascinating! You make English Lit so engaging and relevant and now I am on track to getting a grade 9!

My son began watching the classes on the Grade 9 TV. The next day he went into school and knew more about A Christmas Carol than anyone else in his class and his teacher was really impressed. His confidence has completely transformed and it has been amazing to see!

I learnt so many interesting things and new strategies to help me make progress in my studies. Very engaging and easy to follow. Join the grade 9 academy is you want to learn how to write exquisitely and achieve top grades for your future!

Before I started, I was at a grade 2, I wasn't even passing. With Maya's help via the Grade 9 Academy I learnt how to become a grade 9 student. Then in my exams, I got FULL MARKS in poetry, the highest grades in my school. I honestly cannot thank you enough and what you have done for me!

Before, I honestly wasn’t a big fan of English. I usually hate studying for exams as it’s so stressful and daunting but you made it all surprisingly fun! I never thought I would be proud of any essays I would write but I am honestly really proud of my work and I wouldn’t be without all your help! Thank you so, so much!

I love learning with Maya. She is so engaging and makes it really fun. I have already learnt so much and feel more and more confident. The amount I have learnt in such a short space of time is honestly so huge! Thank you so much!

Even in just 15 minutes I learnt so much and was really hooked! Maya breaks down the mark scheme and teaches you the exact steps you need to take to get a grade 9. Very clear and I really enjoy watching the lessons!

I was working at a grade 4, predicted a grade 4. The weekend before my exams I watched Maya's masterclasses on the Grade 9 TV. I went on to get FULL MARKS in Macbeth! Thank you so much!

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